5” Height ~ Red CC0000 |
Visual / Image / Illustration |
Collation & collaboration project. This is a exercise in creating individual parts, and then appending them together into a combined final output. The theme is 'Red Planet'. Project parameters: 1. Create an image file of a width of 1-2 inches (at least 200 DPI). The visual aspects of the art could be in any visual style or medium that you choose (photography and/or typography are also welcome formats). 2. The image file must at a height of 5 inches (at least 200 DPI). 3. The submission must contain a dominant representation of the color Red Hexadecimal CC0000 (R: 204, G: 0, B: 0). For example, if only 1 color is to be represented in your submission, that color must be Red Hexadecimal CC0000 (R: 204, G: 0, B: 0). Submit as many different creations as you wish. Image files (such as PNG format) can be delivered via email to: contact@collective13.com or directly uploaded into a post to this forum topic. Upon receiving your submissions I will append them together in my studio to create the final amalgamation file and share it back with you. Please share any thoughts, suggestions, & requests you may have in this forum topic. |
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